The Rake Magazine

Issue 83

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  • Issue: 83
    Issue date: August 2022
    Cover Star: Michael Shannon


    Welcome to Issue 83. August may be a month where the amplifier is taken down from 11 and we seek rest and recuperation in various hidey-holes across the world. This issue of The Rake is designed to mentally massage your mind to a more meditative state. From articles by Paul Feig on his first bespoke experience with Cifonelli, to images of Tokyo-based sartorial troupe, the Cat’s Meow and Pitti Uomo, features on Sir Philip Sassoon, James Wong Howe and of course our cover star Michael Shannon, there is more than enough to take with you wherever you go.

  • The Magazine will be dispatched in 5-7 working days.
    The Digital Edition is immediately available.