Pocket Guide: Alexandra Foulkes
In the style court of Shepherd’s Bush in west London, Alexandra Foulkes is the power behind the throne.

"She is by far the most popular thing about me,” Nick Foulkes, The Rake’s Contributing Editor, said of his wife, Alexandra, during his 50th birthday speech. It was a pithy dedication that had everyone chuckling but no one disagreeing, and for someone with famously perfect taste, there is no greater evidence of it than in his spouse. But enough about him. Alexandra, a former Press Attaché at Cartier and a one-time budding fashion designer has always had her finger on the style industry’s pulse, and while she claims that her now distinctive sense of style “came about in the last 10 years”, she has forever been fascinated by the trade. “I always thought I was going to be a fashion designer when I was growing up,” she says. She came to the (modest) conclusion that she was not quite up to standard. She studied journalism instead, during which she began to understand the role of public and press relations, and decided she could play a role in promoting fashion. These days she has a more confident and defined style. “I like old stuff, I don’t get excited about anything contemporary,” she says.
It was wonderful to have an audience with her, and no doubt she will become by far the most popular thing about this issue of The Rake.