The Rake of the year - King Charles III
Leadership is not just about making decisions, it is about inspiring others. It is no coincidence, then, that we are proud to honour King Charles III at the end of a momentous year.

By now, the grief at the passing of the Queen has begun to subside, and her regnal cypher, which in the U.K. we see as standard on police officers’ helmets, Royal Mail vans and various quotidian objects, serves as a reminder of what was, rather than what is or what shall be. That was her magic: we never had to refer to her in the past tense, and she remained when others left, which we were reminded of just two days before her death in September, when there was another change of prime minister.

King Charles has a diplomatic, political and therapeutic role to play while staying above the infighting and polarisation that defines today’s political discourse. He will not have the time his mother had, but his apprenticeship will have served him well. To conclude this homage to our new sovereign, as well as the woman he loves, I invoke the third verse of the national anthem: May he defend our laws, and ever give us cause to sing with heart and voice. God Save the King.
Read the full ‘Rake of The Year’ feature in Issue 85, available to purchase on and on newsstands worldwide now.
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