What is The Rake Values?
The Rake’s founder Wei Koh explains the philosophy behind our groundbreaking initiative aimed at the ethical, cost-conscious classicist.

What is The Rake Values?
An ethical initiative supported by our brand partners to consciously reduce the price of beautifully crafted and perennially stylish clothing, bringing timeless style within the grasp of a new generation of customers. Because of the seasonal nature of luxury menswear, often times unsold garments are cleared off the shop floor and languish out of sight and out of mind in the dark recesses of a warehouse. We feel that this is a great pity. Because for every well-crafted and beautifully styled garment there is a consumer with the potential to treasure it as a beloved staple in his wardrobe. The world’s most iconic classic menswear brands and The Rake have embarked upon an ethical initiative to match these amazing garments with a new generation of customers who otherwise may not have the spending power to purchase their dream Rubinacci jacket or Grenfell coat. We call these customers the ‘Emerging Traditionalists’. They are young men on the move and the upward trajectory of their lives. They want to be beautifully dressed but they face the reality of rent, school loans, or just the ever-increasing costs of living in urban epicentres like New York or London. They yearn to express their individual style. But they have a budget and every garment purchased is based upon deep consideration. They are sensitive to ecological impact and waste. They don’t want to buy more. They want to ‘buy less but better’. And that’s where we come in. And yet, although The Rake Values was conceptualised and created to cater for the Emerging Traditionalist, we soon realised that in this time of political and economic uncertainty, everyone and anyone is value-conscious. So, in fact, The Rake Values is for all of us. It is for me and you. United with us in this ethical initiative, the world’s most iconic menswear brands opened their doors to The Rake’s team to enthusiastically seek out and curate our collection of jackets, trousers, coats and so much more — clothing that was once sadly relinquished to obscurity. That’s right: We selected each and every garment and accessory that appears here. We feel every item we sell has extraordinary enduring appeal. Why? Because we at The Rake and our brand partners are champions of classic elegance. And classic clothes never go out of style. They are timeless and their appeal endures forever. Finally, our brand partners and The Rake have consciously reduced the price of everything you see here to a significant reduction on retail so that we can bring you truly amazing value. To view the values product assortment please click here.
—Wei Koh